give with upRising
In challenging economic times, we know that it can be difficult to decide where to give your charitable donations. At upRising, we believe that every act of generosity makes the world a better place. And we hope that you feel richly blessed whenever and wherever you give. When you choose to contribute financially to upRising, you can trust that those dollars are being invested in people, programs, and projects that will maximize the benefit and reach of your donations. From rich and meaningful worship services to diverse educational and social programs, community service projects, and so much more, the evidence is all around that your generosity is generating even greater generosity. And we are so very grateful!
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cash donations and checks made payable to upRising may be placed in offertory baskets during worship services
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debit, credit card, and ACH donations can be made by clicking the “donate” button at the bottom of the page, or by scanning this QR code with your smartphone camera
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text to give
text “give” to 512-222-5876
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Perhaps the most important gift that upRising offers to Austin and beyond is our mere existence. We are a Progressive Christian church that proclaims the Good News that God loves all people, no asterisks and no exceptions. People who aren’t familiar with MCC Churches often have the same question: “Is this a gay church?” No, the church isn’t gay… though many of our members are. We’re a Progressive Christian church made up of wonderfully diverse people who are straight, gay, trans, young, old, searching, certain, traditional, and edgy. We’re trying to live what we believe: that God our Creator loves us unconditionally; that Christ calls us to follow and forgives us when we fail; and that the Holy Spirit inspires and unites us. We take our spiritual lives seriously; but we try not to take ourselves too seriously!
If you’d like to support the work of upRising in our community, click the button above to donate financially, or send an email to [email protected] to find out about our extensive volunteer opportunities.
Since 2015, upRising has been providing food through Project Brown Bag for some of the approximately 85% of children and families in our area who are food insecure. In our first summer, we served sack lunches to 100 students who were attending summer school at Dawson Elementary and provided food boxes to a dozen more Dawson families.
In 2016 we received a generous additional donation for Project Brown Bag that allowed us to double the number of meals we provided. In addition to the sack lunches and food boxes for Dawson families, we delivered sack lunches to 100 students at Becker Elementary during a four-week summer session.
In 2019, we served 21 families, which included 76 children and 36 adults, over the course of the entire summer. The families included grandparents who are caring for and raising their grandchildren, a Muslim family, parents who work but just can’t make ends meet, families who have elderly relatives living with them, and single-parent families. The children range in ages from infants to teenagers.
Our Project Brown Bag still focuses on feeding children and families when school is not in session, but we also collect and distribute food year around. You can find out more about donating to the project or suggest a family that needs food assistance by emailing us at [email protected]

ChrysalisQ is a safe, supportive community for LGBTQIA+ kids and their whole families to learn, grow, transition, and become.
In December 2019 we launched ChrysalisQ with a kick-off event for families. In conjunction with other partner organizations, we are proud to offer the following opportunities:
- social activities with other LGBTQIA+ kids
- support networks for LGBTQIA+ kids
- support networks for parents and siblings of LGBTQIA+ kids
- resources for working with school personnel
- information about LGBTQIA+ issues
- resources for fostering health in both mind and body
- support and resources for transitioning and/or coming out
- meeting space for LGBTQIA+ organizations and activities
For more information, visit or send an email to [email protected]
“Christ has no body now but yours. No hands, no feet on earth but yours. Yours are the eyes through which he looks compassion on this world. Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good. Yours are the hands through which he blesses all the world. Yours are the hands, yours are the feet, yours are the eyes, you are his body. Christ has no body now on earth but yours.
~ Teresa of Avila

8601 south 1st street
austin, texas 78748
(512) 291-8601
[email protected]
office hours:
monday: 8a-4:30p
Tuesday: 8a-4:30p
Wednesday: 8a-2:30p
Thursday: 9a-3:30p
friday – sunday: closed